Hospitality in the Pro Shop

By: Alex Young

Golf Shop Manager, Langara Golf Course

With a game as historic and rooted in tradition as golf, there’s often a certain level of hospitality that’s expected. It’s part of the game. That being said, the customer experience at your golf course begins and ends with your team of employees. It’s important to ensure that you and your front line team are providing the best in customer service for your patrons. Here are some tips to keep your team at the top of their game. 

Engage with your guests

Golfers seek a connection with those they meet in this environment; it’s part of the game. I’ve had the privilege of meeting some incredible people through golf, all of whom have a story to tell. Engage with your guests, listen to them, remember them, and they’ll remember you and the quality of customer service at your course. 

Prepare, don’t just react

We often have guests with specific needs or requirements. If you can, prepare for those needs before the guest arrives. It shows you have the forethought to plan for their visit and it shows you care. 

Think of the little things

Carry someone’s bag, hold a door open, pick up something they’ve dropped or return something they’ve lost; it’s these daily niceties that people do that can make all the difference. 

Your guests are your business. It’s your duty to make them feel welcome and appreciated, not just for their patronage, but for what they can offer you in knowledge, camaraderie, and the opportunity to further hone your skills in hospitality.